In 2008 a special group of Grade Seven’s, representing all our Partner Schools were selected to participate in the concept, design and execution of a collaborative artwork about biodiversity and the Liesbeek River entitled: River of Life.
This production was part of the Rivers of the World art and education project for The Mayor’s Thames Festival in partnership with the British Council. This project links schools and over 2,000 young people around the world through common river themes. Each year students from up to 34 London schools are linked with schools overseas. Learners study their river and with the help of professional artists and art educators, they produce fabulous artworks for public display.
Our artwork was reproduced and displayed in for the first time at the Gallero OXO and along the banks of the River Thames, London, Great Britain. Reproductions of the artwork were also displayed in Cape Town, India, China and Egypt as the exhibition travelled to all participating countries in 2009.
Three new countries join the programme each year. By 2012 over 17 countries will have taken part in Rivers of the World.